West Bradford Fire Company
Founded in 1953, West Bradford Fire Company (WBFC) is an all-volunteer crew dedicated to rescue and fire prevention education in West Bradford, East Bradford and Newlin Townships. The approximate 45 member crew responds to nearly 400 incidents per year. Since 1976, WBFC has been the primary benefactor of the Marshalton Triathlon proceeds. These proceeds help defray operational costs and provide financial assistance to members who suffer misfortunes as a result of volunteering. The Marshalton Triathlon is the primary fundraising effort for the West Bradford Fire Company. (Learn more)
Marshallton Conservation Trust
The Marshallton Conservation Trust (MCT) is a non-profit, community organization formed in 2009 to preserve the history, quality of life, and sense of place of the Village of Marshallton and its surrounding communities. MCT’s primary areas of focus include open space conservation, advocating for issues of community concern, and promoting the history and culture of the Village to connect the past with future generations.
Over the last several years the Marshallton Conservation Trust has played a much more active role in the organization and promotion of the Triathlon which has helped insure the continuation of the event.
Coinciding with the 300th anniversary of the birth of Humphry Marshall, the namesake of the Village, MCT will designate any proceeds it receives from the Marshalton Triathlon to help fund the creation of the new Humphry Marshall Memorial Garden at nearby Embreeville Park, which will replicate, to the extent possible, the variety of plantings and tree selections as existed in Humphry Marshall’s original botanical garden located at his home in Marshallton. As a living example of his historically significant botanical work, the Memorial Garden will help to preserve and promote the rich history that makes our Village so unique. [Learn more]